Neuro Marketing

The Latest in Neuroscience to Influence Buyer Behaviour

Why Neuromarketing for Your Business?

Applied Neuroscience for Business Owners & Marketers


Until the recent past, Neuroscience was only being used by scientists to cure various ailments of mankind. With the recent developments of brain science, this field of study is now being used by marketers to sell their products and services to people who are not even ready to buy. 


It's not surprising to note that many have not even heard of these neuroscience-based developments being used in the business world by marketers. These applied sciences are being used to formalize science-based routes to access that hidden buy button of your potential clients. 


Global brands have got access to these scientific marketing tactics to find out how and why you decide to buy their products, The film industry wants to know what trailer will get more fans to watch their movies and politicians are looking at ways to predict what challenges in the community that will make them win or lose your vote and all of them are eagerly looking for answers inside your brain!


Clients are unaware of what they want! Traditional research techniques cannot help you discover the true reasons behind the buying decision within your client's brain. The importance of a science-based methodology to determine why your clients choose to buy from you or get excited by your marketing communications is vital if you are looking at competing in challenging marketplaces.


If you're looking for Scientinc Growth in Your Business...

Only a scientific approach could help deliver your growth!


As the pioneer and the ONLY MarTech company in Sri Lanka to specialize in Applied Neuromarketing for businesses we at Inotrend Int. are here to help you reach your business goals with avenues you may have not thought of before.



What we Offer

Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to expand your business it’s essential that each and every aspect of your business plan are closely aligned and all strategically working towards the same final goal. Take a look at the various services we offer to learn how our unique approach to business development can help your company.

We deliver inspiring, eye-catching creatives and measurable campaigns to accelerate your business growth

Thanks to industry-leading technology in the hands of our committed business experts, we continuously achieve results that impress – making us your perfect business partner.

Your digital marketing strategy will likely comprise various digital marketing channels. Because your business is unique, you won’t market yourself like anyone else and that’s why we don’t offer a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution. Instead, we offer a wide range of digital marketing services, enabling you to select the ones that are right for you or to enlist the help of our team in crafting a solution which best suits your needs and goals.