Many business Ideas... Not sure which one to select?

Many business Ideas... Not sure which one to select?

The world is totally changed. The world is going through a tough time. No one knows what's going to happen tomorrow. You have to really think differently if you're to come out shining.

In a situation like this, I've got a secret weapon which anyone could come up with a great business idea and I'm telling the world about it...

You see, I started my business 20 years ago and didn't know anything about this secret weapon. Because of that, it took a long time for me to figure out the way to success. Just because I didn't use it I had to go through a long trial and error process.

Fortunately, you don't need to go through that tough process of losing a huge amount of time & money. I wish if someone thought me that 20 years ago about this secret weapon...

Here’s the thing:

Everyone has great business ideas and many don't give it a try. But this Covid19 pandemic has forced many to rethink it.

Starting a Business can be confusing!

When you are not sure about the outcome. Will it work for me or will I fail?

But it doesn't have to be...

Starting Your Business Should be Exciting and Fun!



* You are not sure about what specific business to start, out of the hundreds of ideas which may come up in your mind

* Is it worth spending my valuable time and money on something which may or may not work?

* Can I find enough customers and will it be profitable?

* Can I handle the competition and still be profitable


Did you know that all these quick facts above could be easily solved by just one thing?

It's a secret weapon most big companies use before they start a new business or product range.

They get the best out of it to scale and grow their market share.

When I said big companies you might fear that it involves huge budgets and you are too small and even finding it difficult to work around the capital to start the business.

What I am going to share with you is the secret tool big companies use and how you could get access to that without having to spend money.

The secret weapon is nothing but... It's called The Market Research.

Proper Market Research will tell you how to handle the obstacles which may come in your way and will guide you through the process to fine-tune and perfect your business idea before the launch.

Yes! I know you can ask your family and friends about their opinion and they give great ideas. You may have already done that by now.

But did you know that what people tell and what people do is totally different?

Your family and friends may tell you that's a great idea and tell you to go ahead with that business idea...

and suddenly when you start your business they may get disappeared and will never even buy anything from you. Or maybe just buy from you once and will never repeat.

So you need to be smart in conducting your market research right.

Our methodology and processes are proven to work for any industry and any size of business.

That's not all... You may also be able to get a few paying customers too

Every single day in your life you say “I want to do this” or “I need to do that,” and it never happens.

The reason why is two-fold:

You won’t ever catch a rabbit if you’re trying to chase two.

Similarly, you won’t achieve anything in your life if you’re chasing after 100 different ones.

The clarity in your goal is something very important... If you want to achieve them. If you're clear on what you want to achieve, that will make everything easier and you will do things faster with interest. If not you will become the victim of overwhelm & procrastination.

Secondly, you need to have a plan in place from the moment you set a goal to the minute you achieve it.

You need to take daily action.

It's why discipline is so important during this whole process.

Other goals and opportunities will pop up along the way.

They might feel more enticing and be super tempting with their promise of short-term rewards...

But, those goals won’t get you to where you really want to be

That’s where your new-found secret weapon comes in…

It will help you REALIZE the most important business goals you have...

Then, lays out a system for you to ACTUALLY achieve them.

No ifs or buts!

It will make you disciplined. It will make you take daily action. It will keep you on track. It will keep you achieving bigger, lucrative more ambitious goals.

There’s a reason why the biggest players in the business and millions around the world are using market research before they do anything in business...

Want to jump to the water without knowing the depth?

Or want to do everything you should know before starting your business?

Are you Ready?


What will you get:

  1. How to come up with the greates business idea
  2. Test the feasibility based on real market survey results
  3. How to start your business with the resources you already have right now
  4. Strategies to get your first few customers
  5. Guidence on how to go ahead
  6. Everything done via Zoom sessions One to One just you and me (Offered for a limited few on a first come first serve basis)

The Investment: Rs 8500 / 45 US$

Durantion: 3 Days (1-2 hrs per day)


BONUS (Only for this week)

Flip the Switch & Reach Entrepreneurial Boundaries You Never Thought Possible Program for FREE

  1. Uncover how to get rid of the mental and emotional obstacles that are pulling you back so you can come out of the "stuck in the mud" feeling forever!
  2. Stop your own attacker from destroying you and keeping you away from peace of mind and freedom.
  3. Learn new strategies and methodologies you can start using immediately to help you improve your self-confidence, your focus, and your habits that lead to success.
  4. Be surprised by realizing how to get your brain fully engaged and in harmony with the goals and dreams you have vs fighting within you every time.
  5. Enable parts of your brain’s “success circuits” for more productivity and less procrastination.
  6. How to overcome stress from running a business and the reason you haven’t hit your dream goals… and how to turn your stress into your fuel for wealth creation and financial success
    and much, much more…


Get in touch with me to start your dream business with confidence

Call / WhatsApp: +94 77 221 2221

Abdul Careem (B.Sc, MSc)
CEO | Business Consultant